Gatha Prachin Maharashrachi – Bhag 1 – गाथा प्राचीन महाराष्ट्राची-भाग १

Original price was: ₹275.00.Current price is: ₹240.00.

Gatha Prachin Maharashrachi – Bhag 1 is written by 4 Authors viz. Ankur Kane, Sagar Surve, Sampada Kulkarni, Shweta Kajale. This book contains history of Maharashtra from ancient period till 12th century.

Govyatil Kille – गोव्यातील किल्ले

Original price was: ₹525.00.Current price is: ₹400.00.

The number of forts in Goa state are less than that of the forts in Maharashtra. The geographical location, political importance and fortifications are noteworthy of these forts. They are located along the blue sea, some are built on headlands and some are built on the banks of rivers. All the forts that survive today are fine examples of Portuguese fort architecture. The low ramparts, the slightly sloping triangular shaped towers, the bartizans at the ends of the towers and the cannons are all the glory of the fort. Therefore, the book Govyatil Kille written by history researcher Mahesh Tendulkar should be in the collection of fort lovers. The Marathi English Portuguese mini dictionary given at the end of the book deals with fort terms.

Hukumatpanah RamchandraPant Amatya Charitra – हुकुमतपनाह रामचंद्रपंत अमात्य चरित्र

Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹240.00.

Hukumatpanah RamchandraPant Amatya Charitra book contains detailed history of Ramchandra Pant Amatya. This book also contains history and present state of Bawada Jahagir, written by Saurabh Deshpande.

Itihasatil 125 Akhyayika – इतिहासातील १२५ आख्यायिका

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹144.00.

History is hidden in legends. But keeping in mind that the whole story is not history, it is definitely interesting to read. From this, how the villages got their names, the characteristics of different people, their creativity and many other things are well understood. Therefore, the book Itihasatil 125 Akhyayika written by Mahesh Tendulkar on a different subject will be appreciated by readers.

Itihasatil Navalkatha Bhag-1 – इतिहासातील नवलकथा भाग १

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

This is a collection of stories from Maratha history. In this Itihasatil Navalkatha Bhag-1 book, there are stories of many heroes, diplomats and soldiers who performed extraordinary feats. Characteristic of this book are these stories adorned with various aspects of prowess, bravery, self-respect, loyalty to the state, sacrifice and ingenuity.
This historical novel is a must-read for every one, telling the interesting, compelling story of Maratha history from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to the end of the Peshwa period. Each story has accompanying pictures and information. M.V. Sowani and Avinash M. Sowani has written this book.

Itihasatil Navalkatha Bhag-2 – इतिहासातील नवलकथा भाग २

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

This is a collection of stories from Maratha history. In this Itihasatil Navalkatha Bhag-2 book, there are stories of many heroes, diplomats and soldiers who performed extraordinary feats. Characteristic of this book are these stories adorned with various aspects of prowess, bravery, self-respect, loyalty to the state, sacrifice and ingenuity.
This historical novel is a must-read for every one, telling the interesting, compelling story of Maratha history from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to the end of the Peshwa period. Each story has accompanying pictures and information. M.V. Sowani and Avinash M. Sowani has written this book.

Jirnoddhar – जीर्णोद्धार

Original price was: ₹525.00.Current price is: ₹400.00.

Temples in many villages are waiting for restoration. However, instead of demolishing such old temples and constructing them in a flashy ‘modern’ style, a conscious effort should be made to conserve the existing structures and preserve the historical heritage. But unfortunately today, in the name of restoration, many old temples, palaces are completely demolished without proper consultation and the works reflected in modern style are common.
However, none of the agitators realize that because of this we are losing the historical significance of the place, destroying the historical architectural heritage, and not only erasing our own past. For that, in this Jirnoddhar book, a lot has been commented on how to restore a building, how to do conservation.
What exactly is restoration? by the author Dr. Avinash Sowani. So going beyond all the different concepts of repairs, renovation, reconstruction and conservation, trying to do ‘re-creation’ in the original architectural style, i.e. ‘Jirnoddhar’ in Marathi.
This story is created keeping exactly this concept in mind.
In this novel, author describes how main character discovered an ancient temple by guessing from the old remains of the settlements that she found around.

Jyotish Amrut Kalash – ज्योतिष अमृत कलश

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

Jyotish Amrut Kalash proves to be an escort useful for new entrants, students, teachers in the field of astrology. This consists of the planetary movements, with their influence on human life. It mentions the characteristics, auspicious or inauspicious, precautionary mantras proves proper guidelines for all readers written by Chandrakant P. Mungi.

Kashmir Tevha ani Atta 370 Nantarchi Navi Pahat – काश्मीर: तेव्हा आणि आता!३७० नंतरची नवी पहाट!!

Original price was: ₹225.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

After the abolition of Article 370, the special status of Kashmir was lost, but the emotional integration of Kashmir with the rest of India is still a long time away. This Kashmir Tevha ani Atta 370 Nantarchi Navi Pahat book written by Jayashri Desai  is a must read for anyone who wants to look at Kashmir…beyond the wonderful tourist spots.

Killa Kasa Pahava – किल्ला कसा पहावा

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹170.00.

Maharashtra is known as the state of forts. Today thousands of people visit the forts of Maharashtra, experience the thrilling history there and return home with the memory of Shivaji Maharaj and other warriors. History researcher Mahesh Tendulkar has written the book Killa Kasa Pahava i.e. How to see the fort with the purpose of providing reliable information about the various structures, constructions, religious places, sculptures, inscriptions, water system, etc. on the forts. This book has tried to widen the scope of the reader’s thinking by giving different references and examples from history.

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