Dr Babasaheb Ambedkaranchya Drushtitun Islam – डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांच्या दृष्टीतून इस्लाम

Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹240.00.

India got independence in 1947, at that time Dr. Babasaheb had deeply studied the basic nature of Islam, the purpose of the Islam rulers invasions in India, the causes of the Hindu-Muslim conflict and so on. His views on Islam are given in the book Pakistan or the Partition of India, written in 1940. Editor Bharat Amdapure studied this book and compiled Babasaheb’s thoughts and perspectives on Islam and translated it into Marathi as Dr Babasaheb Ambedkaranchya Drushtitun Islam book.

Maratha Kalkhandatil NagarVikas – मराठा कालखंडातील नगरविकास

Original price was: ₹525.00.Current price is: ₹400.00.

Urban development is the transformation of a small village into a big prosperous city with the use of proper town planning.
During the Maratha period, mainly in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the development of the villages in the western India was structured. The factors that were required for it and how this development was directly reflected in the urban structure, town planning and town development is described in this Maratha Kalkhandatil NagarVikas book written by Dr. Avinash Sowani.

Jirnoddhar – जीर्णोद्धार

Original price was: ₹525.00.Current price is: ₹400.00.

Temples in many villages are waiting for restoration. However, instead of demolishing such old temples and constructing them in a flashy ‘modern’ style, a conscious effort should be made to conserve the existing structures and preserve the historical heritage. But unfortunately today, in the name of restoration, many old temples, palaces are completely demolished without proper consultation and the works reflected in modern style are common.
However, none of the agitators realize that because of this we are losing the historical significance of the place, destroying the historical architectural heritage, and not only erasing our own past. For that, in this Jirnoddhar book, a lot has been commented on how to restore a building, how to do conservation.
What exactly is restoration? by the author Dr. Avinash Sowani. So going beyond all the different concepts of repairs, renovation, reconstruction and conservation, trying to do ‘re-creation’ in the original architectural style, i.e. ‘Jirnoddhar’ in Marathi.
This story is created keeping exactly this concept in mind.
In this novel, author describes how main character discovered an ancient temple by guessing from the old remains of the settlements that she found around.

Adbandarcha Rudrakot – आडबंदरचा रुद्रकोट

Original price was: ₹525.00.Current price is: ₹400.00.

A Marathi girl born, educated, brought up in USA, recently turned archeologist comes to Konkan. Still, with the desire to research something through his own efforts, she starts searching in the surrounding area.
She has neither knowledge of historical Marathi language nor familiarity with Modi script. Yet without the aid of any historical authentic documents, she begins to take what comes her way and find the right opportunity and unexpected success comes her way. Adbandarcha Rudrakot is a story written by Dr. By Avinash Sowani.

Prachin Bharatiya Vidyapithe – प्राचीन भारतीय विद्यापीठे

Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹280.00.

From the Vedic period to the spread of Buddhism and Jainism, Prachin Bharatiya Vidyapithe book covers the ancient Indian universities, which were later destroyed by the Muslim invaders. Education is all about developing intellect and skills to make money; Going beyond these ideas to build good character, to establish high moral values, to create responsible citizens for the family and the nation. This ideology shaped the Indian education system. The glorious history of the ancient Indian education system is presented by the author Shweta Kajale.

Itihasatil 125 Akhyayika – इतिहासातील १२५ आख्यायिका

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹144.00.

History is hidden in legends. But keeping in mind that the whole story is not history, it is definitely interesting to read. From this, how the villages got their names, the characteristics of different people, their creativity and many other things are well understood. Therefore, the book Itihasatil 125 Akhyayika written by Mahesh Tendulkar on a different subject will be appreciated by readers.

Solapurche Paramparagat Vatandar Deshmukh Gharane – सोलापूरचे परंपरागत वतनदार देशमुख घराणे

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹160.00.

In Solapurche Paramparagat Vatandar Deshmukh Gharane book author Lata Aklujkar has studied the documents related to Deshmukh dynasty of Solapur and presented how this dynasty has been the best watandar in Solapur Pargana since ancient times till today.

Navamage Dadalay Kay – नावांमागे दडलंय काय?

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹120.00.

Navamage Dadalay Kay book gives history of the names of different places in Pune city like Baba Bhide bridge, history of various names of idols and temples of Lord Ganesh,  Hanuman and so on. Author Suprasad Puranik has given interesting information of places like Swargate, Bund garden bridge,  Tulshibaug, Hirabaug.

Shivaji The Great Guerrilla

Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹360.00.

Shivaji The Great Guerrilla is a Comprehensive and objective biographical study of the Shivaji Maharaj. This book provides a powerful critical analysis of Shivajis strategic tactics of guerrilla warfare and the judicious principles implemented in battle.
Author Col. R.D. Palsokar has written this book primarily for the Defence Services officers who wish to study the strategy and tactics of Shivaji Maharaj. Overall this is a unique book written by army person studying the techniques of guerrilla war of Shivaji Maharaj.

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