Pune Ganesh Festival

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹175.00.

Pune city and Ganesh festival are connected to each other by an unbreakable bond. The festival in Pune is blessed with the guidance of Lokmanya Tilak. A unique mix of religion, heritage and social bonding is seen during the festival times. The book gives information about the top five ‘Manache’ respected Ganesh Mandals, various popular Mandals around the city and their unique Ganesh idols. This Pune Ganesh Festival book is written by Swapnil Nahar, Suprasad Puranik.

Killa Kasa Pahava – किल्ला कसा पहावा

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹170.00.

Maharashtra is known as the state of forts. Today thousands of people visit the forts of Maharashtra, experience the thrilling history there and return home with the memory of Shivaji Maharaj and other warriors. History researcher Mahesh Tendulkar has written the book Killa Kasa Pahava i.e. How to see the fort with the purpose of providing reliable information about the various structures, constructions, religious places, sculptures, inscriptions, water system, etc. on the forts. This book has tried to widen the scope of the reader’s thinking by giving different references and examples from history.

Solapurche Paramparagat Vatandar Deshmukh Gharane – सोलापूरचे परंपरागत वतनदार देशमुख घराणे

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹160.00.

In Solapurche Paramparagat Vatandar Deshmukh Gharane book author Lata Aklujkar has studied the documents related to Deshmukh dynasty of Solapur and presented how this dynasty has been the best watandar in Solapur Pargana since ancient times till today.

Portuguese Bells In Hindu Temples

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹160.00.

Chimaji Appa, the younger brother of Bajirao Peshwa started the famous Vasai battle in March 1737, and it ended in victory for the Marathas after 26 months, on 12 May 1739, when they captured the seemingly unconquerable fort of Bassein.
During this time the Marathas confiscated huge bells from the Portuguese churches. They were mesmerized by the huge size and melodious sound of these bells. Later, the Marathas offered these bells to the temples of their favourite deities, as war trophies.
Author Mahesh Tendulkar in this Portuguese Bells In Hindu Temples book tells you about these bells from the Portuguese churches, their size, their melodious sound, and how they were different from the locally made bells in the Hindu temples.

Dnyat Adnyat Pune – ज्ञात अज्ञात पुणे

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.

पुणे हे ऐतिहासिक शहर आहे. शिवाय इथला नमुनेदार पुणेरी माणूस, खाद्यसंस्कृती, मंदिरे, सण-उत्सव-परंपरा, जुन्या वास्तू, संग्रहालये, कट्टाजीवन अशी शहराची अनेक वैशिष्ट्ये आहेत. भारताची शान असलेल्या या शहराबद्दल ‘पुणे तेथे काय उणे’ असे बोलले जाते. परंतु आजही यातील काही वारसास्थळे ज्ञात तर काही अज्ञात आहेत. या ठिकाणांची ज्ञात-अज्ञात माहिती मांडण्याचा हा प्रयत्न लेखक सुप्रसाद पुराणिक यांनी ज्ञात अज्ञात पुणे या पुस्तकरूपाने केला आहे.

Pratapgad Parva – प्रतापगड पर्व

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.

The death of AfzalKhan at Pratapgad fort was a very important event in the life of Shivaji Maharaj. Author Prathamesh Khamkar has written the book Pratapgad Parva with the help of the description of this incident by various historians of the time. In this book, five color pictures of Afzalkhan Vadh from Purushottam Bandishte’s SriShivakavya pothi are being published for the first time.

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