Prachin Bharatiya Vidyapithe – प्राचीन भारतीय विद्यापीठे

Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹280.00.

From the Vedic period to the spread of Buddhism and Jainism, Prachin Bharatiya Vidyapithe book covers the ancient Indian universities, which were later destroyed by the Muslim invaders. Education is all about developing intellect and skills to make money; Going beyond these ideas to build good character, to establish high moral values, to create responsible citizens for the family and the nation. This ideology shaped the Indian education system. The glorious history of the ancient Indian education system is presented by the author Shweta Kajale.

Itihasatil 125 Akhyayika – इतिहासातील १२५ आख्यायिका

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹144.00.

History is hidden in legends. But keeping in mind that the whole story is not history, it is definitely interesting to read. From this, how the villages got their names, the characteristics of different people, their creativity and many other things are well understood. Therefore, the book Itihasatil 125 Akhyayika written by Mahesh Tendulkar on a different subject will be appreciated by readers.

Solapurche Paramparagat Vatandar Deshmukh Gharane – सोलापूरचे परंपरागत वतनदार देशमुख घराणे

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹160.00.

In Solapurche Paramparagat Vatandar Deshmukh Gharane book author Lata Aklujkar has studied the documents related to Deshmukh dynasty of Solapur and presented how this dynasty has been the best watandar in Solapur Pargana since ancient times till today.

Navamage Dadalay Kay – नावांमागे दडलंय काय?

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹120.00.

Navamage Dadalay Kay book gives history of the names of different places in Pune city like Baba Bhide bridge, history of various names of idols and temples of Lord Ganesh,  Hanuman and so on. Author Suprasad Puranik has given interesting information of places like Swargate, Bund garden bridge,  Tulshibaug, Hirabaug.

Shivaji The Great Guerrilla

Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹360.00.

Shivaji The Great Guerrilla is a Comprehensive and objective biographical study of the Shivaji Maharaj. This book provides a powerful critical analysis of Shivajis strategic tactics of guerrilla warfare and the judicious principles implemented in battle.
Author Col. R.D. Palsokar has written this book primarily for the Defence Services officers who wish to study the strategy and tactics of Shivaji Maharaj. Overall this is a unique book written by army person studying the techniques of guerrilla war of Shivaji Maharaj.

Bajirao I An Outstanding Cavalry General

Original price was: ₹525.00.Current price is: ₹425.00.

Military history of the Bajirao Peshwa from 1720 to 1740 is narrated in this Bajirao I An Outstanding Cavalry General book by author Col. R.D. Palsokar. This is an account of the Peshwa Bajirao First. The book has 352 pages and 28 maps with the narrative. The book has 14 chapters. Book also have Epilogue, bibliography and an index. Overall to understand battles of First Bajirao Peshwe and his strategies as Cavalry General, this book is useful.

Shaniwarwadyatil Ratnashala – शनिवारवाड्यातील रत्नशाळा

Original price was: ₹275.00.Current price is: ₹225.00.

Shaniwarwadyatil Ratnashala book gives details of Ornaments and articles of gold and silver which were there in Shaniwarwada in Pune. This is the detailed list counted in 1783 AD. Author Bhaswati Soman has studied and given a detailed description of ornaments and other articles which were in personal collection of Balaji Vishwanath, Bajirao I, Nanasaheb Peshwe, Madhavrao and Ramabai Peshwa, Raghunathrao and Anandibai Peshwa, Bajirao II

ShivPratap DinVishesh – शिवप्रताप दिन विशेष

Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹240.00.

ShivPratap DinVishesh book is the compilation of the day-by-day events in the lifetime of Shivaji Maharaj, from 1st January to 31st December. Tithi, Shak, Sanvatsar and day of the week of that dates are also mentioned by the author Uday Sankhe for easy reference. Each event in the life of Shivaji Maharaj has been majorly penned into a book form. Such is the inspiration of his life events. This book lists out the day–wise events related to Shivaji Maharaj, making it an easy reference of the diary of events. Reference is given to each and every event.

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