
Dr. Avinash Sowani

डॉ. अविनाश सोवनी शिक्षण आणि व्यवसायाने आर्किटेक्ट असून ते या व्यवसायात गेली पस्तीस वर्ष कार्यरत आहेत. ऐतिहासिक वास्तूंचे जतन आणि संवर्धन हे त्यांचे आवडीचे क्षेत्र असल्याने त्यांनी या प्रकारची अनेक कामे पूर्ण केली आहेत. तरीही, त्यांचा खरा ओढा इतिहासाकडे असल्याने त्यांनी इतिहासाच्या अभ्यासासाठी इ.स. १९९० मध्ये त्यांनी पुण्यातील ख्यातनाम भारत इतिहास संशोधक मंडळ या संस्थेचे आजीव सभासदत्व घेतले आणि आपला व्यवसाय सांभाळून त्यांनी मराठ्यांच्या, विशेषत: पेशवाईच्या इतिहासाचा विविध अंगांनी सखोल अभ्यास केला. मराठ्यांच्या इतिहासातील अप्रसिद्ध बखरी शोधून काढून त्यांनी ‘ऐतिहासिक बखरी, खंड १ व २’ या ग्रंथांद्वारे प्रकाशित करून त्या अभ्यासकांना उपलब्ध करून दिल्या.
मराठ्यांची वास्तुकला आणि मराठा कालखंडातील नगररचना हे दोन विषय त्यांना जवळचे असल्यामुळे, यावर विस्तृत संशोधन करून त्यांनी इ. स. २००८ मध्ये ‘मराठा वास्तुशैली’ या विषयावरील प्रबंधास डॉक्टरेट संलग्नता प्राप्त केली आणि पाठोपाठ ‘मराठा कालखंडातील नगरविकास व नगररचना’ या विषयांवर प्रबंध सादर करून इ. स. २०११ मध्ये पीएच.डी. पदवी संपादन केली.
पुणे शहराच्या विकासाच्या इतिहासावरही त्यांनी गेली पंचवीस वर्ष विस्तृत संशोधन आणि लेखन केले आहे. त्यांनी सकाळ या वृत्तपत्रात, याच विषयावरील दोन दीर्घ लेखमाला लिहीलेल्या आहेत. शिवाय अन्यत्रही त्यांनी बरेच लेखन केले आहे. पुणे शहरातील विस्मृतीत गेलेल्या वास्तुस्थलांचा मागोवा घेणारा, त्यांनी लिहीलेला ‘हरवलेले पुणे’ हा ग्रंथही प्रसिद्ध झाला आहे.
इतिहास आणि आर्किटेक्चर या विषयांवर त्यांनी पुष्कळ लेखन केलेले असून ‘मराठा वास्तुशैली’ या विषयावर अनेक व्याख्यानेही दिलेली आहेत.

Date of Birth 10/Aug/1955
Language Marathi, Hindi, English

Author's books

Adbandarcha Rudrakot – आडबंदरचा रुद्रकोट

Original price was: ₹525.00.Current price is: ₹400.00.

A Marathi girl born, educated, brought up in USA, recently turned archeologist comes to Konkan. Still, with the desire to research something through his own efforts, she starts searching in the surrounding area.
She has neither knowledge of historical Marathi language nor familiarity with Modi script. Yet without the aid of any historical authentic documents, she begins to take what comes her way and find the right opportunity and unexpected success comes her way. Adbandarcha Rudrakot is a story written by Dr. By Avinash Sowani.

Akherache Karasthan – अखेरचे कारस्थान

Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹320.00.

Akherache Karasthan book is a link between the past and the present of the historic account of an institution. With the limitations insisted upon the ancestors, the next six generations maintained the norms that led the eighth generation to prosperity. While maintaining the ancestral norms, no one knew it was a major conspiracy 7 generations before. The 7th generation just deduced the mysterious plot and the manner proved quite enthralling. The engrossing narration from the references of latter – Peshwa period arouses and keeps up the readers interest till the end written by Dr. Avinash Sowani

Itihasatil Navalkatha Bhag-1 – इतिहासातील नवलकथा भाग १

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

This is a collection of stories from Maratha history. In this Itihasatil Navalkatha Bhag-1 book, there are stories of many heroes, diplomats and soldiers who performed extraordinary feats. Characteristic of this book are these stories adorned with various aspects of prowess, bravery, self-respect, loyalty to the state, sacrifice and ingenuity.
This historical novel is a must-read for every one, telling the interesting, compelling story of Maratha history from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to the end of the Peshwa period. Each story has accompanying pictures and information. M.V. Sowani and Avinash M. Sowani has written this book.

Itihasatil Navalkatha Bhag-2 – इतिहासातील नवलकथा भाग २

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

This is a collection of stories from Maratha history. In this Itihasatil Navalkatha Bhag-2 book, there are stories of many heroes, diplomats and soldiers who performed extraordinary feats. Characteristic of this book are these stories adorned with various aspects of prowess, bravery, self-respect, loyalty to the state, sacrifice and ingenuity.
This historical novel is a must-read for every one, telling the interesting, compelling story of Maratha history from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to the end of the Peshwa period. Each story has accompanying pictures and information. M.V. Sowani and Avinash M. Sowani has written this book.

Jirnoddhar – जीर्णोद्धार

Original price was: ₹525.00.Current price is: ₹400.00.

Temples in many villages are waiting for restoration. However, instead of demolishing such old temples and constructing them in a flashy ‘modern’ style, a conscious effort should be made to conserve the existing structures and preserve the historical heritage. But unfortunately today, in the name of restoration, many old temples, palaces are completely demolished without proper consultation and the works reflected in modern style are common.
However, none of the agitators realize that because of this we are losing the historical significance of the place, destroying the historical architectural heritage, and not only erasing our own past. For that, in this Jirnoddhar book, a lot has been commented on how to restore a building, how to do conservation.
What exactly is restoration? by the author Dr. Avinash Sowani. So going beyond all the different concepts of repairs, renovation, reconstruction and conservation, trying to do ‘re-creation’ in the original architectural style, i.e. ‘Jirnoddhar’ in Marathi.
This story is created keeping exactly this concept in mind.
In this novel, author describes how main character discovered an ancient temple by guessing from the old remains of the settlements that she found around.

Maratha Kalkhandatil NagarVikas – मराठा कालखंडातील नगरविकास

Original price was: ₹525.00.Current price is: ₹400.00.

Urban development is the transformation of a small village into a big prosperous city with the use of proper town planning.
During the Maratha period, mainly in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the development of the villages in the western India was structured. The factors that were required for it and how this development was directly reflected in the urban structure, town planning and town development is described in this Maratha Kalkhandatil NagarVikas book written by Dr. Avinash Sowani.

PunyaNagari Ek Aitihasik Magova – पुण्यनगरी-एक ऐतिहासिक मागोवा

Original price was: ₹325.00.Current price is: ₹290.00.

Some books provide basic information on the subject, the information provided is annotated with context where necessary, with attention paid to making it more interesting and accessible. Such books are specially written for readers who have enough basic knowledge of the subject. Readers have a modest expectation that appropriate, reliable information should be provided in a concise, yet uncomplicated manner.
The book PunyaNagari Ek Aitihasik Magova is of this type. This book is about the history of Pune city written by Dr. Avinash Sowani.
Colour and black and white photographs make this book more attractive and informative.