
Shweta Kajale

शिक्षण - G.D.Art (Painting), इंटिरियर डिझाइनर आणि चित्रकार
इतिहास अभ्यासक ,लेखिका
वृत्तपत्रांमधून तसेच ब्लॉगपोस्ट मधून विविध विषयांवर लेखन
विविध संस्थांसाठी व्याख्याने
प्राचीन भारतीय कला,समाजजीवन, मंदिर स्थापत्य, धर्म आणि प्राचीन शिक्षणपद्धती, संस्कृती या विषयांमध्ये विशेष रुची आहे.
सनातन विद्या फौंडेशन या संस्थेकडून "ज्ञानज्योती" या राज्यस्तरीय पुरस्काराने सन्मानित

Date of Birth 24/Nov

Author's books

Gatha Prachin Maharashrachi – Bhag 1 – गाथा प्राचीन महाराष्ट्राची-भाग १

Original price was: ₹275.00.Current price is: ₹240.00.

Gatha Prachin Maharashrachi – Bhag 1 is written by 4 Authors viz. Ankur Kane, Sagar Surve, Sampada Kulkarni, Shweta Kajale. This book contains history of Maharashtra from ancient period till 12th century.

Prachin Bharatiya Vidyapithe – प्राचीन भारतीय विद्यापीठे

Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹280.00.

From the Vedic period to the spread of Buddhism and Jainism, Prachin Bharatiya Vidyapithe book covers the ancient Indian universities, which were later destroyed by the Muslim invaders. Education is all about developing intellect and skills to make money; Going beyond these ideas to build good character, to establish high moral values, to create responsible citizens for the family and the nation. This ideology shaped the Indian education system. The glorious history of the ancient Indian education system is presented by the author Shweta Kajale.